Wednesday 25 February 2009


In creating this blog, I hope to achieve a further understanding of the issue of Gender in both games and towards gamers themselves. In order to do this, I will conduct research using books, websites, articles, lectures and discussion with relevant others.

It came to my attention recently that representation in games is a sensitive topic. With the release of the Resident Evil 5 demo containing the potentially racist and/or sexist content, debates have cropped up between those who believe it is indeed racist and those who don't. Although the major issue here is racism, which I won't be covering, the scene they are referring to was also claimed to be sexist.

Despite being female, and a gamer, the main reason I chose this topic of discussion is my enthusiasm and interest in gender differences. Since studying Psychology in A Level, I became aware of the issue of gender differences, stereotypes and bias. I plan to apply this knowledge throughout my study as I believe even though the syllabus did not cover games, it does not mean it cannot be applied.

In completing my study and thus ending this blog, I hope to not only enlighten myself but others who stumble across it.

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